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No Subscription Fee
No Contracts
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Start Saving Your Practice Time & Money

We strongly believe that you should only be charged for the services you use. We have eliminated sign-up fees, subscription fees, and any other hidden charges. We strive to deliver exceptional value that speaks for itself. Once you receive a completed exam from our nurse practitioner, your payment will be processed automatically. We aim to provide a transparent and straightforward billing process, so you can focus on the quality of the service you provide.
No monthly fees
No sign up fees
Just $27.99
per consultation / exam!
telemedicine services

Tailored Telemedicine
Solutions for Med Spas

Customize Qualiphy tools based on the services you offer. You can customize your questionnaires, virtual backgrounds, upload your protocols, home medication delivery, custom integrations with websites, pharmacies, EMRs, medical spas, and doctor’s offices. If you would like to request an integration let us know! 

Measured by the Numbers

States & Washington D.C.
Providers Instantly Available
for Your Patients
0 +
Patient Safety
Easy Technology
0 Goals

Start Enhancing Your Clinic's Services in Just a Few Simple Steps